Animation for Anyone Animation for Anyone is an educational series focusing on the ideas behind animation. Follow along for ideas and principles that hopefully demystify the animation process. By Alex Grigg
Landing Love Showcase of the best Animation Websites. Good web design inspiration from all over the Internet. By
Figma to Webflow Learn the entire design process from idea to final output as we take you through Figma, Cinema 4D and Octane, and Webflow. By webflow
Practical Guide to Web Animation The guide introduces web animation techniques with examples and tips on how to use them. Lessons come with pre-designed templates and video tutorials on animating websites on Tilda By Tilda
Readymag Design Almanac An educational project covering the fundamentals of design: typography, grid, color, and animation By Readymag
UI Animation Fundamentals In this free course, you’ll learn not only how to animate interfaces well, but also how to do it quickly By Motion Design School
Everything You Need to Know About Loading Animations Users expect a fast reaction from the digital products they’re working with By Lisa Dziuba
Guide to Material Motion in After Effects A basic sticker sheet and workflow for animating user interfaces By Jonas Naimark
Motion Periodic Table A reference table for various effects that are commonly produced using Adobe After Effects. These can be useful for HUD items in games or creating various other effects By Kazuki Akamine
The UX in Motion Manifesto The following manifesto represents my answer to the question — “As a UX or UI, designer, how do I know when and where to implement motion to support usability?” By Issara Willenskomer
100 Days of Motion Design How I taught myself to create 50 pieces of animation in 100 days By Tiantian Xu
How to Make Animations Look Realistic Creating a basic animation is simple enough, but what if the goal is to add realism or visual interest? By Luke Roberts
Animate an SVG icon in After Effects CC Learn how to go from a static icon to a fun animation using Illustrator CC and After Effects CC By Luke Roberts
Getting Started With Web Animation If you’ve never done animation before don’t worry, it’s actually pretty straightforward. We’ll show you how with a simple 5 step process By Moe Amaya
Fundamentals Course on After Effect The free course will help you overcome AE-related barriers and fears which are standing between you and the wonderful world of animation and motion design By Motion Design School
10 Principles for Smooth Web Animations The complete guide to getting 60fps animations with CSS By Anand Sharma
Good to Great UI Animation Tips Practical suggestions to improve your UI micro-interactions By Pablo Stanley
Designing Interface Animation Each animation in an interface tells a micro story, and as a user encounters more and more animations throughout your site or product, these micro stories add up to reveal the personality and story of the brand or product behind them. By Val Head
How to Use Animations in Mobile Applications As everything integrated into an interface, app animations must be a functional element rather than decor By Tubik Studio
How do I use After Effects to create motion studies? Obviously, the more details you want to include in your animation, the longer it will take you. But these are the essential techniques you’ll be using most of the time By Kwok Yin Mak
6 Animation Guidelines for UX Design Useful is better than delightful. After some time thinking and researching I came up with a list of 6 guidelines that I hope can be helpful for your animation endeavours By José Torre
Icons in Motion We interviewed Salih Abdul-Karim, Airbnb’s design lead and animator, to learn how he turned Noun Project’s icons into moving animations with a new tool called Lottie By Lingo Team
The Ultimate Guide to Proper Use of Animation in UX I just want to collect all the main principles & rules in one place, so that other designers who want to start animating interfaces don’t have to search for additional information By Taras Skytskyi
Animation Techniques to Create Animations Choosing a right animation technique for each situation allows us to work efficiently and achieve better result By Magoz